I deactivated it
Logging off

I have felt my unhealthy relationship to my phone grow year by year. I feel the urges to reach for my phone, I feel the fatigue of looking at my phone when I'm tired, and I have felt the need to scroll through my timeline while I was anxious.
I once could leave my phone at home while running an errand, post a picture on instagram and not check it for another day I now find myself constantly checking my timeline and notifications. My obsession with checking my phone makes me sick.
It's like living in this virtual reality, and it's weird. I feel so disconnected, I feel like too many people have access to me without having real access to me, I feel like people who have my phone number think contacting me through social media is actually reaching out, and I do the same at times.
I don't want to be that person, I want to be present, focused, I want to be the person to foster the relationships in real life. Finishing books. Imagine, going to a coffee shop and meeting a cute guy and actually having a conversation. Or seeing the beauty in something small outside of your little world.
I don't know how long I'll be off social media, but I do want to finish She's Tough 4 week program (I'm on week 2), Finish a book, and write more. I think I'll have more time for God without this distraction.
Deactivate - Yes.
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