Is she more than I?

                                                                       The unrequited

I looked into your eyes 
and could see the sun setting 

Adoration flooded my body
and I found out it flooded yours 

But it wasn't for me, it was for her. 

My waterfall quickly turned into a puddle
The water dried up and left the flowers
in my body to search for the sunshine

The punch in the gut of realziing 

I speak your name
and you speak hers 

I wonder if she's more

              more poised
                         more interesting 

                                    more beautiful 

                                          more expierenced

than me, to you. 

I wonder why she captures your heart and I capture a moment. 

So I took a break
talked to a friend 
and said amen 
captured the attention of many more women
and men 
I fasted, abstained from sex 
sexed it up

yet still there was this deep question inside.. 

why am I not enough for you? 


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