
Showing posts from 2019

Restore or relapse

The binding of the heart.  It is written, that in fact He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.  See Psalm 147:3 for more info.  The other night, I got reminded of an old wound. A wound that left me heartbroken, and searching for  a new infatuation to fill in the holes in my paper thin heart. The memories from this wound seemed to be looping around in my mind throughout the night on the rainy car ride back home, and flowed over to the next morning as I sat on the couch near the rainy window seal.. meditating on that wound. One of my first instincts was in fact, that I need to hear Gods word. I need to fall into the safe, loving, healing arms of Jesus.  To be truthful, I've been allowing the wrong things to enter in my heart. Lust, fear, regret, and shame.  But I heard something good today... Binding in the natural is related to a Physician who puts a cast on a broken bone. And if God is the great physician, He does the same...

I'm way (in the wilderness) I feel.. blessed?

Grounding: basic training or instruction in a subject In short, earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.  Jeremiah 17:7 NLT  If you're reading this you probably have an idea of where I got the title from. If you remember Big Seans' song, Blessed. The main part went like this "I'm way up I feel blessed!" This of course made everyone's theme song and caption. You get a new job, you have money, gotta scholarship, wonderful family, baby daddy is great.. #blessed. But as I walk with Jesus and grow in Him, that's not my theme song. In fact, scripture tells us that "blessed" is directly opposite of what the world considers. What does blessed even mean?  This past week I have been feeling dry. The Bible, that I uncandidly tell anyone who will listen how much I love has been the last thing I ...

The Overflow

When I'm running low.. when's the last time your phone was on 10%?  "I just don't feel anything"   she stated.   "I mean I know you're not going to always feel love, but I just feel... nothing right now."  Her words hesitantly left her mouth, but lingered in her heart. As she recounted the love that was once bubbling up in heart.  Was it my unclean mouth, or the fears that I keep listening to the reason why I'm feeling so  empty?  Or maybe it's the constant fillers I put in my life unknowing through Instagram, and Facebook. Neglecting to stay in the present, constantly being bombarded by trend, opinions, and overload.  Slowly putting back up my protectant shield abasing the One who really loves me, and has my back.  Or is it the trash I have allowed to enter into my ears? thinking it will do no harm but only leading me to crit...