The Overflow

When I'm running low.. when's the last time your phone was on 10%? "I just don't feel anything" she stated. "I mean I know you're not going to always feel love, but I just feel... nothing right now." Her words hesitantly left her mouth, but lingered in her heart. As she recounted the love that was once bubbling up in heart. Was it my unclean mouth, or the fears that I keep listening to the reason why I'm feeling so empty? Or maybe it's the constant fillers I put in my life unknowing through Instagram, and Facebook. Neglecting to stay in the present, constantly being bombarded by trend, opinions, and overload. Slowly putting back up my protectant shield abasing the One who really loves me, and has my back. Or is it the trash I have allowed to enter into my ears? thinking it will do no harm but only leading me to crit...